Plant Growth Chamber

The plant growth and cultivation test chamber is also called the plant light incubator. It can simulate the environment required by the long-term growth of plants. It can provide a continuous controllable artificial environment for plant growth and cultivation through program control according to the temperature, light and other requirements of different time periods. It is mainly used for For plant germination, breeding, seedling raising, etc., it is an indispensable instrument and equipment for agricultural production, university research, and cultivation.

Plant Growth Chamber

Plant Growth Chamber

Plant Growth Chamber

Mô tả sản phẩm

Temperature range(℃)0~100
Humidity range可显示环境内湿度(-5℃~45℃)900*600*500
Temperature stability(℃)±0.2
Temperature accuracy(℃)±0.01
Temperature uniformity(℃)≤±2.0

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